Explore Bookscape!
Welcome to Bookscape, our enchanting reading space for children! Bookscape is the invention of James Bradberry, a Pennsylvania architect who specializes in institutional design. Bradberry's drawings were brought to life by Judson Beaumont and his staff at Straight Line Designs, a custom furniture manufacturing company in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Visitors enter Bookscape through a garden of topiary animals. From there, the room unfolds in a succession of cutaway views and whimsically furnished spaces with books and nooks to read them in. In the house area, be sure to pause at the "Hearth of Darkness" fireplace. Beyond is a wishing well, a playful puppet theater, and a towering bonsai hollowed out for the ultimate reading experience. The rear of the gallery is designed for workshops and programs.
Bookscape is open to the public and free of charge. The library has accessible entryways, restrooms, and ramps.
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Photos by David Kelly Crow